"Tomo Okabe" will be appearing on the Shopping Channel. He will be introducing the much-talked-about "Drinkable dashi is a new habit for beauty and health! Dashi that builds the body."Jan 19▼Broadcast date and time・Date and time: 1/19 (Sun) 18:00~▼Click here for the Shop Channel official websitehttps://www.shopch.jp/pc/tv/programlist onAirDay=20250119180000&il=ss_profiledetail_program&ic=ss_program#20250119180000
▼Broadcast date and time・Date and time: 1/19 (Sun) 18:00~▼Click here for the Shop Channel official websitehttps://www.shopch.jp/pc/tv/programlist onAirDay=20250119180000&il=ss_profiledetail_program&ic=ss_program#20250119180000
Okabe Tomo supervises body makeover! New book "My Big Love!" following Yuriyan Retriever's transformation is scheduled for release on November 26th